Newly Ordained Fr. Michael Garvin

May 23, 2024

On Saturday, May 18, 2024, Bishop Edward Malesic, Bishop of Cleveland, ordained Michael Francis Garvin to the Order of the Presbyterate.  Father Garvin’s first assignment is to St. Charles Borromeo Parish, Parma.  God bless Father Garvin as he begins his priestly ministry among us.

Watch the Mass of Ordination here.

Using the analogy of a marathon – the Cleveland Marathon took place on May 18 – Bishop Malesic said priesthood is like a marathon. “But you’re not at the finish line yet. This is a mile marker – a big one,” he said, referring to ordination.

“From today on, you will be called ‘Father.’ It will be strange at first,” the bishop said. He reminded Father Garvin to “always be grateful to those who made you the man you are and the priest you will become,” including his family, friends, seminary instructors and other mentors. The bishop also told him to remember that “You work for Jesus first and me and my successors second.”

“The Eucharist must be the love of your life. Jesus must the love of every priest’s life and our salvation,” the bishop said. “Celebrate every Mass as if it is your last. There is no ‘regular’ Mass. Every Mass is an encounter with the living Christ. Let us see Jesus in the way you live your life and how you show compassion for all in need. Remember, Jesus says, ‘Do not be afraid.’ Just have faith.” Read more from the Catholic Diocese News – Father Michael Garvin is ordained to the Priesthood

Excerpt from “The Northeast Ohio Catholic Magazine”:

Bishop Edward Malesic will ordain Deacon Michael Garvin to the priesthood during a Mass at 10 a.m. May 18 in the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist. The ordination Mass will be livestreamed on the diocesan website and can be watched on demand after that.

Since his ordination to the transitional diaconate last spring, Deacon Garvin has been ministering at St. Joseph Parish in Strongsville. He is the son of Mary Beth and the late Peter Garvin. His home parish is St. Hilary in Fairlawn.

“I am really excited to enter into the priestly life and to begin priestly ministry. And my family is excited for me, as well,” he said. “They’ll definitely be happy to have a priest in the family.”

Deacon Garvin credits participation in his parish youth group with helping him to identify and pursue his vocation. He joined the group while in high school and said he had thoughts of the seminary and priesthood during that time.

“I ignored them for most of high school, but after realizing how persistent these thoughts of the seminary were, I decided to look into it. And the rest is history,” he said.

As a priest, Deacon Garvin will be configured to Christ through the sacrament of holy orders. Diocesan priests serve the diocese under the direction of the local bishop. Most serve in parishes of the diocese but they may also be assigned to other positions.

After Deacon Garvin is ordained to the priesthood, he will serve as a parochial vicar at St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Parma.

Two other men from the Diocese of Youngstown — Deacon Kevin Bertleff and Deacon William Wainio — will be ordained as priests on June 1 by Youngstown Bishop David Bonnar in St. Columbra Cathedral, Youngstown. They were ordained to the transitional diaconate in their home diocese of Youngstown last spring.

Deacon Garvin, Deacon Bertleff and Deacon Wainio earned master’s in divinity and master of arts (theology) degrees on May 9 from Saint Mary Seminary and Graduate School of Theology, where they also received their priestly formation.